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GriefCare Ministry


To be a source of love, care, encouragement and help in grieving the death of a spouse, child, parent, sibling, other family members or friend so that they feel the healing comfort of God.​


  • To know that grieving is normal, natural and necessary process

  • To know that grief is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of being human.

  • To understand that emotions will be random, sometimes overwhelming and out of control - but inner peace come from God.

  • Encourage sharing memories with others - can be helpful towards receiving support and begin healing process leading to a "New Normal."

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 13 weekly sessions offered twice a year - FEBRUARY and JULY

Tuesdays at 6pm

Macedonia Baptist Church 

Room 110

Loss Of A Spouse

"Loss Of A Spouse" is a two-hour GriefShare outreach seminar offered in January and July at 6pm.

January 28th @ 6:00pm 

The seminar is present via video & group discussion.

              Participants are not required to be church members.


Upcoming Events

GriefShare(Macedonia Baptist Church) - Every Tuesday 6pm




Sunday School - 8:30 am 

Sunday Worship - 9:45 am

Wednesday - 10:00 am | 6:30 pm


1700 East Linwood Boulevard

Kansas City, MO 64109

(816) 241-1431


Tuesday - Friday | 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

©2020 by MACEDONIA Baptist Church.

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