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April 7, 2020

Greetings Macedonians, Family and Friends! This week is Holy Week. It’s the time when believers all over the world celebrate Jesus going to Calvary’s cross to die for our sins on Friday and raising from the dead on Sunday morning. But this year, will be different. Not because we want it to be, but because the Coronavirus has forced us to celebrate it in a different manner.

So, let’s not get bent out of shape because we won’t be able to hear our wonderful children stand before us shaking but yet confidently reciting their Easter speeches; or have our annual Easter egg hunts; or hear our dynamic choir singing “ He would not come down from the cross just to save Himself…He decided to die just to save me”.

But we will have Holy Communion together as a family. So, get your bread, crackers, juice etc.… and we will virtually commune together! This will be a great memory! Video tape this event or take pictures. Just think, in years to come, we can look back at them and when people ask “What were you guys doing in that picture/video?”, then you can tell them that the Coronavirus didn’t stop us from commemorating what Jesus did for us on Calvary. What a testimony!

Generations to come will see these pictures/videos and they will serve as an Ebenezer (stone of help) as in 1Samuel 7:12. And even though they weren’t born or perhaps too young to remember what is going on now, we can leave a great testimony of faith and perseverance! So, tell every Macedonian you know to join us this Sunday as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who saved us from our sins by dying on the cross.

The following is Macedonia’s schedule for this week: Wednesday at 10:00am & 6:30pm - Join us for Bible Study – click the link below

Friday at 7:00pm - View our Drama Production “Early One Sunday Morning”.

Resurrection Sunday - We will not have Junior Church or Teen Church. We will worship together as a family. There will be a special Easter presentation at 8:30am and one worship service at 9:45am on livestream. Invite someone else to join us, too.

Click the link - As I close, remember the words of the Apostle Paul in 1Corinthians 15:14, “And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith.” BUT we know that he did rise from the dead and we have been given the honor of sharing that good news to the world. So, spend this week telling everyone you know…He has risen!

PEACE & LOVE, John L. Brooks

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