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August 1, 2020

August 1, 2020

Greetings, Macedonia Family and Friends!

The three God-ordained institutions are the Church, Family, and Government. On Wednesday we discussed how Paul, even while imprisoned and facing his impending death, detailed in Romans 13 that Christians are to subject ourselves and submit to the authority of the government (as long as it is not contradictory to God’s Word). This is not to say we shouldn’t challenge the government; but that it should be done through civil disobedience using civil obstruction rather than willful destruction. “Even today?! WHY?!”, one might ask. The answer is YES, even today, because the system of government is ordained by God; created for our benefit; and WE NEED IT!! If it’s broken, don’t destroy it. Fix it!!  Even while in exile in Babylon, the Israelites were instructed in Jeremiah 29:7 to “seek the peace and prosperity of the city”. 

Having said all this, however, let’s be clear, when people just say, “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.” (Psalms121:1), it misrepresents what the Psalmist was saying. Indeed, he renounced that notion, saying, “my help cometh from the Lord!” At that time, “the hills”, were where the government was located, a semblance of strength and power. But, as Christians, we must look above and beyond “the hills” and place our confidence squarely in the Lord. “The Lord is my light and my salvation...”. Today, remember God remains ALL POWERFUL!  He has carried and will continue to carry us through - even in “the valley of the shadow of death”!

If this is your first time hearing these points, or it raised questions, it is yet another reason why you should attend Bible Study, and this week, Virtual Vacation Bible School (VBS)! Study to show thyself approved!! Have you registered for VBS? It’s this week!! Have you encouraged and registered family and friends? VBS IS THIS WEEK!!  Check out the links below and SHARE THEM!! The “sword” with which we are to arm ourselves to withstand the struggles of life and attacks of the Adversary is the Word! We must study and learn it in order to use it effectively.

In closing, this week a great leader, Congressman John Lewis, was laid to rest. He led a life committed to fighting for civil rights through civil disobedience. He marched, sat down, and stood up for the rights that we sometimes seem to take for granted. Voting is one of them. People were severely beaten and even died fighting for our right to vote! Let not their sacrifices be in vain. PLEASE! GO VOTE TUESDAY, AUGUST 4th!! The stakes are high! Your vote matters and it counts!! If you REALLY want to change “the system” ... GO VOTE!! Our freedom to do so came at a price!

Finally, tomorrow is Communion Sunday. Join us virtually as we remember Jesus’ love and sacrifice. Hallelujah for the blood of the Lamb!!

Peace & Love,

John L Brooks


There is no Bible Study this week. ATTEND VIRTUAL VBS:

Monday - Wednesday, August 3rd - 5th for adults; Thursday - Saturday, August 6th - 8th for children.

Adult Sunday School at 8:30 a.m.

Sunday Worship Service at 9:45 a.m.

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Sunday School - 8:30 am 

Sunday Worship - 9:45 am

Wednesday - 10:00 am | 6:30 pm


1700 East Linwood Boulevard

Kansas City, MO 64109

(816) 241-1431


Tuesday - Friday | 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

©2020 by MACEDONIA Baptist Church.

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